Frequently Asked Questions


Have a question? At GEMS we have the answers!

For fixed income investing, credit score does not matter; however, for joint ventures and partnerships an above average credit score is required. This will be part of the accredited investor qualification process.

Because of the nature of real estate investing, a minimum 3 – 5 year investment term is required.

Once you make your decision to invest, you leave it up to us and our power team. Your investments will make money every minute of every day, all year round. Your day to day involvement is not required, and as the investment grows your residual income will continue to increase over time giving you a raise each year.

We have both fixed income and joint venture investments available to accredited investors. Please feel free to view all of our current investment options.

When you invest with GEMS, you receive the benefit of our experience and knowledge, as well as the expertise of our power team of local professionals. Many of our investment holdings to date purchased under value from previous investors with financial difficulties as they tried to invest alone.

Yes, it can be difficult for Canadians to get financing. With the financial crisis of 2008, banks were forced to tighten lending practices. Because of our impeccable track record with Banks and Mortgage companies both in Canada and the U.S., we have the contacts in place to allow us to borrow and conservatively leverage our investments to get maximum returns.

We feel that cash flow is the most reliable predictor of returns, whereas appreciation involves market speculation. We base all of our rates of return on cash flow alone, any appreciation is strictly a bonus.

We always suggest that you consult with your tax professional so you know exactly what you are getting into. In brief, Canada and the U.S. have a tax treaty to avoid duplication of taxes and your tax professional can easily ensure there is no duplication.

We chose Western New York as our first investment region due to fantastic rates of return and proximity to our home base of Southern Ontario, Canada. We have identified 6 other regions in the U.S. that meet our cash flow and rate of return criteria, and as we grow we will cluster investments in those areas to have a properly diversified family of investment properties.

The U.S. is one of the most prosperous and successful countries in the world. When they experienced a temporary financial crisis, it caused real estate values to crash presenting investors with a buying opportunity that has not been seen in our lifetime.